at bat
What Is The Definition Of At-Bat In Baseball?
1. An at-bat is a statistic that is monitored in baseball and softball for every time a batter goes to the plate. There are numerous reasons why an at-bat will not be counted and they are explained below.
Do Walks Count As An At-Bat?
When a batter receives four balls and is granted a walk, then that at-bat is not recorded as an official at-bat.
Does A Sacrifice Count As An At-Bat?
If a batter commits a sacrifice fly or sacrifice bunt, then that at-bat is not recorded as an official at-bat.
What Happens If A Batter Is Hit By A Pitch?
If the batter is hit by a pitch, then that at-bat will not be official and counted. The player is then granted a free pass to first base.
What Happens If There Is Catcher’s Interference?
1. If a batter is obstructed from hitting the ball or if there is interference by the catcher, then the at-bat is not counted and the player is granted a free pass to first base.
What Happens If A Batter Is Substituted Within An At-Bat?
Although rare, if a batter is replaced in the middle of an at-bat, they will not be credited with an at-bat and the pinch hitter will be credited. However, if the batter is replaced with two strikes and the pinch-hitter strikes out. The strikeout and the at-bat will be credited to the first batter.
What Happens If A Runner Is Caught Stealing During The At-Bat?
If a runner is caught stealing on the third out, the hitter will not be charged with an at-bat for that inning. They instead will be the first batter to leadoff the following inning, where that at-bat will be counted.
Is An Error Count As An At-Bat?
Yes, if a defensive player commits an error on a ball in play, that is still recorded as an official at-bat.
Examples Of How At-Bat Is Used In Commentary
1. After being issued an intentional walk in the first inning, Bonds comes up to the plate for his first official at-bat of the game.
Sports The Term Is Used
1. Baseball
2. Softball