What Is The Definition Of Javelin In Track & Field?
1. The javelin, or javelin throw, is an event in track and field in which an athlete hurls a spear, or javelin, as far as possible.
The athlete begins by starting an approach run down a short runway with the javelin held in one hand above the shoulder, parallel to the ground.
After a few steps, the thrower then elongates both arms with the arm holding the javelin fully extended backward and the other arm pointed forward, with the hips still straight. Upon full extension of the arms, the metal tip of the javelin should rest close to the eye.
As the thrower nears the end of the throwing zone on the runway, or the scratch mark, the athlete starts the throw. In one sweeping motion, the thrower bends slightly backward, plants the front foot, and hurls the javelin forward over the throwing shoulder.
Officials measure the throw from the scratch mark to the mark made by the javelin. The thrower with the longest throw wins.
2. The javelin is a wooden or metal spear with a metal pointed tip that is thrown in the javelin event. The grip midway down the shaft is made of corded material.
What Are The Rules Of A Javelin Throw?
Similar to the shot put, the javelin must land within a 28.96-degree sector extending outwards from the runway. The javelin must land tip-first, but it does not have to “break turf,” or stick in the ground.
The thrower must throw the javelin over their shoulder or upper arm, and only one arm may be used. The athlete must not turn their backs toward the direction of the throw.
Each athlete is allowed to run as far as desired before throwing, but each athlete must stay behind the scratch mark throughout the throw and after.
Each thrower has three to six attempts per competition.
How Heavy Is A Javelin?
The weight and length of a javelin vary by gender. Javelins for male athletes measure at least 260 cm (102.4 in) and weigh at least 800 grams (1.8 lbs). Javelins for female athletes measure 220 cm (86.6 in) and weigh at least 600 grams (1.3 lbs).
Example Of How Javelin Is Used In Commentary
1. Johannes Vetter dominated the 2020 throwing season, with his best throw only 72 cm off of Jan Zelezny’s 24-year-old world record.
Sport The Term Is Used
Also See:
1. Approach Run